SARDAR Innovative Solutions employs highly creative, progressive thinking, lean manufacturing and continuous improvement professionals with a tremendous amount of experience and knowledge of manufacturing. We know your business - from raw material through to final product rolling off the assembly line.  Our solutions are guaranteed to elevate your business to the next level.  We will make your processes more efficient, more effective and ultimately, we will facilitate making a positive contribution to your bottom line.  From layout revisions, through process improvements, up to facility start-ups and operational launches...we provide the necessary solutions to ensure success.


Original End Manufacturers (OEM)

We have extensive knowledge and understanding of the production and assembly process and environment and all internal and external supplier issues.


We have worked with literally thousands of suppliers over 24 years and have an inherent understanding of supply issues as they relate to the manufacturing environment.


Raw Material

We have spent years working with raw materials, raw materials suppliers and individual piece-part manufacturing.

The right process yields the right results.  We firmly believe that, and we're certain that you do as well.  We are committed to work with our clients to define and implement the optimal solutions necessary for immediate and ongoing success.  There is no text book solution, there is no off-the-shelf fix.  Every solution is developed from hands-on analysis and is uniquely geared toward our client's specific issues and opportunities.  The continuous improvement and lean manufacturing methodologies and philosophies are simply tools and guidelines that are used to create optimal solutions for the issues at hand.  The foundation of our success is that we approach every issue as a clean-slate scenario and conduct complete process analysis in order to have the data bring the true root cause to the fore-front and allow for a robust and sustainable solution to be implemented.

Value Stream Mapping of Processes


Value Stream Mapping is the primary step and the most important in the process as it identifies all foundational opportunities.  It highlights value added and non-value added segments of the process and most importantly, value stream mapping will highlight and identify waste.  Value Stream Mapping is absolutely the most vital step in defining the roadmap to success and optimizing throughput.


SARDAR Innovative Solutions works with key members of our clients team to accurately map the current and future state of the processes undergoing analysis.


We focus on documenting the current state, implement review and problem solving and then identify and document the optimal future state process.

We focus on documenting the current state, implement review and problem solving and then identify and document the optimal future state process.

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Identification and Elimination of Waste and Implementation of 5S is the next step toward Success.


During the process of Value Stream Mapping, we have identified numerous aspects of the client's operations.  Most importantly, we have identified waste.  Now, we need to prioritize the identified waste and focus on it's reduction and elimination.  There are two primary categories of waste.  First and foremost is the well known "Eight Wastes":  excess processing, motion, waiting, inventory, overproduction, transportation, rework and non-utilized resources or employee intellect.  The second main category is simply being neat and organized, this is where 5S fits in.  The process of 5S allows us to Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain.  It is imperative that both are implemented simultaneously.


SARDAR Innovative Solutions works with our clients to actively identify and eliminate all waste negatively impacting their processes, resulting in reduced downtime and increased throughput & OEE.


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Permanent Problem Solving and Root Cause Analysis


On the previous page, we discussed waste identification and the reduction and elimination of that waste.  Sounds fairly simple, but we all know it's much easier said than done.  Once the waste and other opportunities have been identified, it is then necessary to go through numerous forms of problem solving and root cause analysis.  Our goal is to identify the true root cause of the problem and develop the most optimal solution that deals with it permanently.  So frequently, we see solutions put in place, only to find the same problems rearing up again in the future.  Our commitment is to identify the true root cause and implement the necessary measures to insure that waste is truly eliminated and that any negative impacts are not repetitive.


SARDAR Innovative Solutions will champion the permanent problem solving and root cause analysis in order to identify the original catalyst impacting your process and will work with you to develop a concrete and permanent resolution.



Development & Documentation of Standard Work


One of the most critical steps and progressions forward on the road to success is the development and documentation of standard work and the writing of standard work instructions.  It is necessary at this phase to go through many iterations of work instructions.  Once the optimal process has been defined, it then needs to be documented.  That documentation then needs to be further vetted for accuracy and intuitive simplicity.  One of the most prominent contributors to process failures is inaccurate and inconsistent work instructions.  Specific steps in the process are unclear and ambiguous and are therefore not consistently repeatable. 


SARDAR Innovative Solutions will help you develop and document clear, concise standard work that will enable employees to consistently produce quality work to meet and exceed expectations.   


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