Continuous Improvement and the Consultant....

     I see so many operations look to consulting firms to help them be successful.  That may be as simple as getting assistance in improving a specific process up to full facility and operational start-ups and launches.  Unfortunately, what I usually see is that the consultancy team has a specific and static approach which requires the client to adjust and conform to the consultant's plan (think of using a wrench to hammer a nail....simply doesn't make sense, yet it happens every day).  What is necessary for success is that the consultant work with the client to determine the optimal solution that fits and can be evolved within the client's current process.  Client's are consistently forced to implement or adopt a philosophy based on a specific application, or the "book of the month", whatever seems to be popular at the time.  However, the most successful approach tends to be more of an "a la carte" approach.  There are many, many books out there, most of them with very applicable and relevant solutions.  There are many lean and continuous improvement philosophies, most of which have relevant applications.  In order to be most successful, these must all be held in check as tools in a larger tool box, and applied in an as required basis as it makes sense for the customer.  The process is reviewed, then the optimal solution which is variable, is then determined based on the customer's needs.  Applying a pre-conceived solution that is inflexible in application simply does not work.  Every solution is different, and every solution is a living, breathing entity.  The optimal solution won't be found in a text book, or some off the shelf application.  It must be developed and must evolve using a variety of tools and approaches designed for the opportunity at hand.