Swimming upstream....

     So much stress and frustration can be alleviated by taking a simpler approach right out of the gate.  Far too often, I see management teams starting with the end result that they have defined and then forcibly trying to make the process achieve that defined, end result.  This never works.  They spend time, money and effort and struggle to gain even marginal success.  During which time, everyone in the process becomes frustrated and becomes disenchanted.  The optimal approach is that the right process yields the right results.  So much more success can be achieved, and can be done so effectively and with everyone on board by taking this approach.  If we focus on the process, the results expected are achieved by default.  Don't approach a problem by limiting yourself up front or by trying to pre-define the outcome.  Adopt an approach in which the goal is simply to reduce waste (the 8 wastes), and the results will come.  By focusing on reducing an removing waste, we achieve a positive correlative effect on throughput, efficiency, cost, quality, safety etc.