Permanent Problem Solving and Root Cause Analysis


On the previous page, we discussed waste identification and the reduction and elimination of that waste.  Sounds fairly simple, but we all know it's much easier said than done.  Once the waste and other opportunities have been identified, it is then necessary to go through numerous forms of problem solving and root cause analysis.  Our goal is to identify the true root cause of the problem and develop the most optimal solution that deals with it permanently.  So frequently, we see solutions put in place, only to find the same problems rearing up again in the future.  Our commitment is to identify the true root cause and implement the necessary measures to insure that waste is truly eliminated and that any negative impacts are not repetitive.


SARDAR Innovative Solutions will champion the permanent problem solving and root cause analysis in order to identify the original catalyst impacting your process and will work with you to develop a concrete and permanent resolution.

