Identification and Elimination of Waste and Implementation of 5S is the next step toward Success.


During the process of Value Stream Mapping, we have identified numerous aspects of the client's operations.  Most importantly, we have identified waste.  Now, we need to prioritize the identified waste and focus on it's reduction and elimination.  There are two primary categories of waste.  First and foremost is the well known "Eight Wastes":  excess processing, motion, waiting, inventory, overproduction, transportation, rework and non-utilized resources or employee intellect.  The second main category is simply being neat and organized, this is where 5S fits in.  The process of 5S allows us to Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain.  It is imperative that both are implemented simultaneously.


SARDAR Innovative Solutions works with our clients to actively identify and eliminate all waste negatively impacting their processes, resulting in reduced downtime and increased throughput & OEE.


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